About WiVR
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CGTrader looks to make VR more welcoming for women
(Image courtesy CGTrader.) With sexism still strong in the gaming industry,…
Storme Whitby-Grubb takes music video into VR
Mondo.NYC panel. (Image courtesy Mondo.NYC.) Storme Whitby-Grubb credits her long history…
Female VR visionaries speak at Mondo.NYC conference
(Image courtesy Mondo.NYC.) Music and technology converge at Mondo.NYC, a tech…
UploadVR lawsuit is a warning for nascent VR industry
May 23, 2017 — Last week’s lawsuit against UploadVR is a reminder to the emerging virtual…
AltspaceVR launches Women in VR talk show
AltspaceVR, a social virtual reality platform, has launched a talk show focused on women in…
Member Profile: Lisa Laxton
Lisa Laxton Virtual reality consultant Lisa Laxton has worked with both…
Member Profile: MariCarmen Gil Ortega
Dr. MariCarmen Gil Ortega Dr. MariCarmen Gil Ortega is a senior…
Member Profile: Hannah Gillis
Hannah Gillis Hannah Gillis is an entertainment producer with strengths in…
Member Profile: Mary Mossey
Mary Mossey Mary Mossey is a product manager at AltspaceVR, a social platform for…
Member Profile: Heather Raikes
Heather Raikes Immersive media artist Heather Raikes is the founder and creative…
Member Profile: Gunita Kulikovska
Gunita Kulikovska Gunita Kulikovska is founder and CEO of Vividly, a VR tool for architects…
Member Profile: Katie Goode
Katie Goode is the creative director of game studio Triangular Pixels. She has been described as a…
Member Profile: Judy Hu
Judy Hu is the director of business development at Hyperfair, Inc., which offers cross-platform…
Member Profile: Stephanie Llamas
Stephanie Llamas is the vice president of research and strategy at SuperData Research, and also…
Member profile: Orchidee Stachelig
Orchidee Stachelig is editor of Gamesauce, an on-line portal for the game industry with focus on the…
Member profile: Sarah Hill
Sarah Hill is a National Edward R. Murrow and twelve-time Mid-America Emmy award-winning digital storyteller…
Women Who Tech startup challenge focuses on VR
(Image courtesy Women Who Tech.) Press release: Women Who Tech and…
Lesbians Who Tech launch coding scholarship honoring Edie Windsor
Lesbians Who Tech, the organization for lesbian and queer women in tech, will select more…
Melinda Gates will focus on women in tech
Lee High School – Thursday, 23 October 2008 Melinda Gates, former…
Fashion Model Karlie Kloss launches coding initiative
(Image courtesy Kode with Klossy.) Fashion model Karlie Kloss has launched…
Unity organizing gaming career events for women
World’s largest computing society elects all-female leadership team
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has announced the election of new officers who will lead the…
Unity sponsors ‘Women in Gaming’ talk series
Press release: Unity Technologies To Promote and Invest in Success of Women Globally With Series…
Aussie men say ‘no’ to male-only panels
The all-male CEBIT panel that panelist Alan Jones called out on Twitter. More than 30…
Women only 7 percent of VC investors
Women account for only seven percent of all the active and participating investing partners in the…
WiVR’s Fee Berry in Network World
Fee Berry WiVR founding member Fee Berry, project manager at UK-based e-learning company Mediverse, was quoted in…
WiVR co-founder, hypergrid inventor wins $10,000 prize
Hypergrid inventor and OpenSim core developer Crista Lopes, also known as “Diva Canto” in-world, just…
NJIT holds conference for women designing the future
Murray Center for Women in Technology “Digital Realities” Conference Explores New Career Opportunities NEWARK — The…
USA Today: Why virtual reality gaming needs women developers
WiVR member Helen Situ interviewed at the GDC conference. “You’re really creating these incredibly powerful,…